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Designing the race-winning Procen Air

POCとEF PRO CYCLINGは、既存のPROCENヘルメットをどのようにしてロードレースに安全かつ高速に適応させたのか。  アルベルト・ベッティオールはプロトンの先頭から飛び出し、新しいPOC Procen Airの後ろに肩を低く下げ、ミラノ〜トリノで独走勝利を収めた。 EFプロサイクリングのパフォーマンス責任者、ピーター・シェップ氏は大喜びした。ゴール時点で、アルベルトの追走者に対するアドバンテージはわずか7秒でした。彼は30キロ以上を一人旅でした。ピーターは、長年にわたる風洞テストとPOCのエンジニアとの緊密な開発作業から、アルベルトの新しいProcen Airが彼の勝利に決定的な役割を果たすだろうことを知っていました。  アルベルトはソロで平均時速46.5kmを記録していました。ピーターの計算によれば、Procen Air のおかげで、POC V...


After three years of 2nd place on the Freeride World Tour and a year off for reflection, this season, Hedvig Wessel made a triumphant return.

VPD: The material to protect your mobility


All POC body protection is made using protectors of VPD, or visco-elastic polymer dough. Discover why protection matters, the standards we test to and which category of protection is suitable for your style of riding.


The Science of Multiple Certification

Discover the processes and testing involved in creating the triple-certified Calyx helmet.

The Thrill Of The Hunt

You could say Marco Odermatt was born to ski. Hailing from the Nidwalden region of the Swiss Alps––an area steeped in ski culture and history­­––he grew up in a family of skiers.
field notes

Hedvig Wessel and Storen - The Mountain Decides

ヘドヴィグ・ウェッセルは、彼女の新しいシグネチャーコレクションのインスピレーション(刺激)となった山とのつながりについて語ります。 私が初めて Store Skagastølstind (Storen)に登ったのは、2022年7月のことでした。この山はノルウェーで最も高く、最も複雑な山の1つであるため、登ってみたいという動機があり、目の前の難しさ、美しさ、冒険に興味をそそられました。私たちは夕方からアプローチを開始し、山のふもとのテントで寝て、06:00に登り始めました。登りはうまくいきました。スクランブル、登山、懸垂下降、氷河歩き、そして14時間後に車に戻るまでの長い下山が入り混じった長い一日でした。   夏にStorenに登頂したので、冬にもう一度登ってみたいと思っていました。Storenは、長いアプローチと頂上までの垂直の氷の登りがあり、非常に...

Protection Choices: Kajsa Larsson


To get the most from any day in the mountains, take the time to find the ski helmet and goggles that are going to work best for you. Here, Kajsa Larsson guides us through everything she considers when choosing her head protection.


Craig Murray - It’s all in the details

スキーと人生において、クレイグ・マレーは独創的なラインを刻みます。彼は現代のシェイプシフター(姿を自在に変える能力のある人)であり、現実的でありながら野心的なビジョンを持っています。スキー映画の著名人、フリーライド ワールド ツアーのメダリスト、ワールド カップ マウンテン バイク レーサーとして、そしてスキーをよりアクセスしやすく包括的なものにするための熱心な提唱者として、クレイグはグローバルな空間とローカルな空間で同時に活動しています。  夢の追求により、彼はアラスカでカミソリの刃のような尾根を下り、表彰台の頂点にも上り詰め、世界的にメジャーなスキー映画にフル出演することができました。彼は自身のビジョンを大画面に持ち込み、ここ数年数多くの映画で製作、監督、主演を務めてきました。今月初公開される『Terra Incognita』は、最新の彼の輝かしい例です。 ...

Protection choices: Marco Odermatt


To get the most from any day in the mountains, take the time to find the ski helmet and goggles that are going to work best for you. Here, alpine ski racing champion Marco Odermatt guides us through what matters to him when choosing his head protection.

The principle of visibility

「手遅れになるまで見えなかった。」  「その瞬間に止まることができなかった。十分に見えなかった。」  どちらも、事故の余波で頻繁によく聞かれる発言です。  さらに踏み込んで、自転車に乗っている人や歩行者など、より脆弱で危険にさらされている側に責任を転嫁しようとする人もいます。自転車に乗るときはいつでも、「安全を保ち、見られている」という古い格言を常に思い出す価値があります。  ロング氏は、初めての徒歩であれ二輪車であれ、交通安全の基本を学ぶ子どもたちにこう言いました。このことわざは、安全を守るための核心をついています。  可視性は私たちの保護において重要な役割を果たします。自分自身をすぐに見てもらえるようにする準備することは、他人が自分自身を適切なタイミングで見てくれる可能性を高めます。可視性は自分たちの存在に注...

The weightless expectation

On the face of it full-face helmets offer obvious safety advantages. Riders who take on gravity-fed trails will have the extra protection where their heads are fully covered.

CFD simulation and testing

サイクリストはあらゆるペダルストロークを最適化し、純粋な前進運動を実現します。  バイクで正確な前進運動を生み出すには、フィットネス、パワー、テクニックなど、いくつかの細かい事柄を調整する必要があります。これらはすべて、スピードを上げるための基本的な構成要素です。  しかし、どんな距離でも自転車に乗ってみると、ペダルストロークに関係なく、最も重要な点は自分の強さやどんな自転車を持っているかではないことがすぐにわかります。周囲の空気による抵抗をいかに最小限に抑え、いかに楽に空気中を通過できるかが重要です。  走行中のサイクリストは前方の空気に体を押し込むため、自然な抵抗が生じます。そして、速く移動すればするほど、より多くの空気抵抗を感じることになります。自転車に注目が集まりがちですが、サイクリストの体は空中での移動に対する最大の障壁であることが認識されて...

The new Chamois Project

サイクリストであれば、サイクリング用のサドルと不快感について何度も話題になったことがあるでしょう。珍しいことに、このトピックは自転車愛好家と自転車愛好家以外の両方が興味を持っており、特に後者は、現代のサイクリングが不快に感じる製品をいかに開発しているかと思っています。  これは新しいお題ではありません。80年代半ばの英国の有名な「イエローページ」のテレビ広告は、「そのサドルはカミソリの刃の上に座っているようなものだ」というセリフを全世代に繰り返しさせたが、これは息子に「最新の」レーシングバイクを買ってあげた父親の反応だった。  このように、サイクリング、特に体重を減らすためのパフォーマンスサイクリングでは何らかの形の不快感を受け入れることは珍しいことではありません。そして、何らかの保護やサポートがもし必要でないのであれば、なぜサイクリストはパッド入りのショーツを...

What makes a team?

スポーツを美しくするチームは、そのスポーツ自体や成功に関係なく、すべての人から高く評価されます。このようなチームはスポーツを真の形で表現します。彼らはチームを形成するのは勝つことだけではないことを示し、純粋な競争の光景が非常に魅力的であることを示しています。  ワールドツアーでは、EF Education-EasyPost が長い間そういうチームでいます。  このチームは、これまでも、そしてこれからも、人と違うことを敢えてし、独自の道を切り開くサイクリストの本場であり続けます。この偉大なスポーツのロマンを真に生かし続けているのはこのチームです。  Photo: Bastien Gason Photo: Jered Gruber & Ashley Gruber Photo: Jered Gruber &a...

Hydration fundamentals with Maurten’s Joshua Rowe

In the second instalment on race fueling and hydration we explore the role and importance of a hydration and how it will affect your gravel race.

Clarity by POC

石庭を進んでいるときも、街の真ん中で歩いているときも、日の出より前にロードに出ているときも、常に同じことが1つあります。あなたの視覚は、意思決定、安全性、パフォーマンスへの入り口となります。  ミリ秒でも早く反応できるかどうかで、勝利を収めたり事故を回避したりできるかどうかが決まることがあります。  これは多くの人に見落とされがちなことですが、私たちは科学とイノベーションの限界を押し広げ、ライダーが必要なときに正確なレベルの光とコントラストを提供できるよう、独自の強化された視覚テクノロジー開発をしたいというセーフティミッションに駆られています。  多様なタイプの光を詳細に管理することは非常に重要であり、私たちは私たちのアイデアを取り入れ、世界有数の光学専門家(Carl Zeiss)と協力して、特定の高度な色合いを開発しました。&nbs...

The meaning of Team 31

人生における議論の余地のない事実は、私たちは皆、子どもだったということです。  少なくともある時点までは。  私たちの中には、まだ子どもだと思っている人たちがいるかもしれません。  しかしながら、子供時代というのは比較できることものではありません。私たちの多くは、世の中を心配することなく(今日のランチが何か気にすることはありますが)、晴れた日が長く続いた幼少期の経験を振り返ることができるでしょう。  しかし、他の多くの人にとって、それは決して気楽で単純なものではないかもしれません。  想像しにくいこともありますが、多くの子供たちにとって「子供の遊び」という言葉はほとんど意味を持ちません。だからこそ、Team 31 を構成する少数のプロ マウンテン バイク ライダーのグループが非常に重要なのです。  ...

Small and perfectly formed


Complement each other

私たちの生活には、一つのものを補完してさらに良くする例がたくさんあります。 1 プラス 1 が 2 に等しいという単純な方程式は適用されなくなり、代わりに 3 になります。  結婚や人間関係は2つの部分が一緒になって全体を強化する最も純粋な例かもしれません。同様に、夜明けから夕暮れまで、私たちの一日を満たしてくれる組み合わせ例がいくつかあります。トーストとハチミツ、ミートボールとリンゴンベリー(スウェーデン人の場合)、またはジンとトニック(=ジントニック)などです。単独でも素晴らしいですが、組み合わせるとさらに良くなります。  HELMET_ KORTAL RACE  EYEWEAR_ DEVOUR   食べ物やカップルだけではありませんが、ヘルメットやサングラスなどのスポーツ用品を同じように考え...

Considered Performance

自転車は当初から持続可能な効率性を実現してきました。自転車での旅行は環境面のメリットがあるだけでなく、身体的、精神的健康にもメリットがあることが証明されています。  しかし、パフォーマンス サイクリングの世界では、何よりもスピードを追求します。パフォーマンスの効率性の追求は、サイクリングの本来の持続可能な側面から焦点を移し、より多くのリソースを消費するようになりました。   パフォーマンス サイクリングの世界では、可能性の限界がどこにあるのかを探るための絶え間ない取り組みを行い、テクノロジーはますます進化してきました。しかし、素材の選択はパフォーマンス特性のみによって決定されてきました。私たちはこの考え方に挑戦する時期がきたと考えました。  私たちは、パフォーマンスを重視しながら、より持続可能なアプローチができないかどうかを検討したいと考えま...
field notes

Chris Burkard

Chris Burkard は、すでに多くの人にインスピレーションを与えています。熟達した探検家、写真家、クリエイティブディレクター、講演者、作家。彼は手付かずのパワフルな風景のイメージの中で最もよく知られている人物かもしれません。彼は野生の場所のビジョンを何百万人もの人々と共有し、彼らに探検を促すよう努めています.

Fueling fundamentals with Maurten’s Joshua Rowe

「パワーなくしてスピードなし、カロリーなしでパワーなし」  これらの言葉は、ノルウェーのスポーツ科学者でありスーパーコーチでもある Olav Alexander Bu の言葉です。彼は持久力パフォーマンスのための栄養を非常にシンプルな方法でまとめています。  その概念をさらに分解し、ライダーが独自の燃料補給および水分補給戦略でそれをどのように使用できるかについて明確なアイデアを提供するために、Maurten の栄養科学者である Joshua Rowe に話を聞きました。特に、若く急成長中のグラベルレースの分野でどのように適応できるかに焦点を当てました。  「パフォーマンスグラベルイベントを見ると、Olav Alexanderの言葉をさらに明確にすることができます」とJoshuaは言います。 「パフォーマンスがライダーの主な目標である場合、A地点からB地...

The Tech: twICEme NFC Medical ID

We add an NFC Medical ID chip provided by twICEme® to numerous helmets and selected apparel pieces so that your protection can speak for you when you can’t. Getting the right help quickly after an accident can mean the difference between life and death. Twiceme’s NFC Medical ID technology is based on a new generation of NFC (Near Field Communication), similar to the technology used in...

Eager to Learn


Ready for Anything in Riksgränsen

スキーは常にコンディションが変化します。気温の上昇と下降、雪解けと再凍結、風が吹き、光が消える。スウェーデンの北極圏の中心部にある山岳地帯リクスグレンセンほど、極端な条件でのテストに適した場所はありません。暗い冬の日と明るい夏の夜が対照的で、雪は 9 月から 6 月まで続きます。    何年もの間、クリストファー ターデルはリクスグレンセンをトレーニングの場としてきました。予測不可能な天候と起伏の多い地形を利用して、ビッグ マウンテン スキーの需要に備えて体と心を準備してきました。昨年 5 月、彼は冬の最後の冒険のためにクレイグ マレーと合流しました。しかし、不安定な天候で知られるその名の通り、嵐が押し寄せ、予定していたスキー ツアーが不可能になりました。  常に不測の事態に備えて、クリストファーとクレイグは計...

Mai Ikuzawa - Break With Convention


Great Heights: The making of the Hedvig Wessel collection

ヘドヴィグ ウェッセルの生涯を通じて、山は常に彼女のガイドでした。それは彼女の内なる羅針盤であり、スキーやその先への道を示しています。ヘドヴィグの山への愛情は、彼女を 6 度のノルウェーのモーグル チャンピオンへと導き、ビッグマウンテンスキーの最も有力な勢力へと導きました。 
the human engine

Stina Lönnkvist


Inspired by Sule

最近、北米で悲劇的なニュースがありました。私たちの友人であり、パートナーであり、チームメイトであり、インスピレーションでもある Sule Kangangi は、バーモント オーバーランド グラベル レースに出場中に亡くなりました。 

Living the dream is not supposed to be convenient


Dreams. We all have them. Ideas and inspirations forged in the heart that may end up placing us in a particular place or on a specific path.


Levelling the playing field – Team Amani

In 2021 the world saw the dawn of a new era in African off-road bike racing with the Migration Gravel race. An international field, consisting of some of the world’s finest professional gravel racers and the biggest cycling talents from East Africa.
the human engine

Oliver Hooson

For most commuters it starts with a job, then comes the commute. For Oliver Hooson it was the opposite – his career was built around him commuting. 
the human engine

Noah Bramme

For Noah Bramme, an advertising creative based in Stockholm, the bike commute to work is not about stress, sweat or speed but about enjoying a good ride. And about falling in love.

Winning Ways

Even if standing on the top step of a podium is the objective for most mountain bike racers, for Jenny and her teammates in Team 31, there is a new way of winning.

Evolution in action

Progression and change are a constant on the Freeride World Tour. But this year, that was more evident than ever.

Home is where the heart is

Whether it is a run from top to bottom at the local ski hill or a road trip to the tallest mountain on the horizon; to earn the reward, you have to be willing to put in the work.

The Classic Question

Who, or what, defines a classic is a source of great curiosity. And has been the subject of everything from heated family discussions around the dinner table to deep philosophical debates with scholars from the finest institutions of the world. It is, of course, a matter of great subjectivity. Is it even possible to define? What is a classic to one person is often seen in a wholly diffe...

Complement each other

Our lives are full of examples where a single thing can be complemented, becoming even better. The simple equation where one plus one makes two no longer applies, instead it makes three. Marriage and relationships could be the purest example of two pieces coming together to enhance the whole. Equally, from dawn to dusk, there are examples that litter our day; it could be the addition of sal...

Made from a pot of gold_ POC x Rapha edition

It’s hard to grasp the extremes of a professional cyclist’s life. It could be the three-week Grand Tours, ascending beyond 5000m in one day, fighting against wind and cobbles, or even the alternative endurance events that routinely fill the modern cycling calendar. The Omne, exploring new frontiers with Lachlan Morton Day after day. Week after week. Year after year. Riders wil...

‘Not all kilometers are equal’ – The Migration Gravel Race

Photos by Saltlake_Lian The Migration Gravel race proudly states that its kilometers are different and will undoubtedly test riders who take on the challenge. As a semi supported four-day stage race across the wilds of the Maasai Mara, Kenya, the 650 km route course covers single track, game trails, red clay, and rough hard pack gravel. And w...

The weight of milliseconds

Imagine being on a bike at the top of a steep descent and letting gravity take over. As you release the brakes, the change of pace is immediate and exhilarating, providing a rush of uncontrolled air and adrenaline. But then your instincts fight back and take over to bring you back under control. It’s hard to fight thousands of years of evolution and self-preservation. Tuning in t...

Life in the air

In the world of mountain biking, Martin Söderström is synonymous with style, taking known tricks and adding a distinctive personal stamp. So much so, you will always recognize him, even when he’s inverted off a gigantic kicker in the middle of a competition. Style like a royal seal. Unmistakable. But what it takes to get there and how hard it is to achieve is...

Different by Design

Everything starts with a reason: a question that needs a solution. It’s never simply about creating protection that works, the question is how to ensure a user stays as safe as possible while having the freedom to perform at their best. POC’s engineering and development expert Fredrik Hallander models the helmet by hand.   At the start of the design process for...

Infinity is around the corner

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare. It is because we do not dare that things are difficult.” Few will argue with Seneca’s wise words, and most of us will recognize how their influence is ever-present in guiding our day to day lives and decisions. And now, thanks to technology and very creative minds, we are served with a never-ending stream of content—an unlimited...

Alex Armstrong_ Simple is complex

Images by Jordan Boratynec A moment can be taken at face value as a particular etch in time. But what if you considered every moment that came before it as one that led and prepared you for the one you’re in now? I thought a lot about this as I put one foot in front of the other on my way up to the Olive Hut in the interior of British Columbia. As Ginny White, Jordan Boratynec and myself ...

Pioneer spirit

Jeremy Jones has been a bright star on the snowboarding scene for more than 20 years. As a true pioneer of the sport, leading the way with a new way of accessing the mountains with snowboards and working with mother nature, today he’s more relevant than ever. Thirteen years after he founded Protect Our Winters, the ten-time Big Mountain Rider of the Year is more aware than ever of his advocacy...

Olympic expectations

Have fun, ski well and ski smart. No one could possibly disagree with Sarah Höfflin’s ideas and approach to skiing. Although most of us may not be as conscious of it, it is certainly what we are all trying to achieve when we are out on the slopes, especially as it will come with various levels of success. But the big difference between us, the regular skiers, and Sarah Höfflin is that her...

The power of the turn

Skiing every single day in the winter, whatever the weather and regardless of the conditions is Marcus Caston’s thing; from the first November snowfalls in his home state, Utah, all the way through to his annual Icelandic grande finale in May. He tends not to stop there though, he packs his bags and points he skis elsewhere, summer shredding the Mt Hood glacier corn as a coach for his Party...

Fabio Wibmer_ Making a pioneer

Fabio Wibmer is a bike pioneer. It is a simple and unquestionable fact. Watch any of his films and it’s easy to understand why. Although a viewer will be left with a curious sense of awe and disbelief, the facts are there, plain for all to see. He is able to imagine and do things on a bike that is beyond compare. But long before his films, like Home Office and Urban Freeride Lives 1-...

Inspired by_ Bex Baraona x GMBN

Dealing with concussion It’s rare to finish a day on a mountain bike and not be grinning from ear to ear. It is a sport that revolves around positive feelings. Of course, as part of the enjoyment comes with finding individual limits and testing skill levels, it’s natural that accidents happen. Luckily most riders will not suffer anything more than a dent to their confidence. It is rare to ...

Take in the sights

When you take a step back, the world almost seems too vast to comprehend. There is so much of it, how is it possible to take it all in? Like the voracious reader, burning the candle at both ends, flipping page after page in an attempt to absorb as much of the world’s great thinking, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer scale of what’s there to be read. We have vast opportunities, but ...

Make or break from dawn to dusk

When the alarm goes off it’s always too early. The temptation is to reach for the snoooooze button, just to squeeze out those extra five minutes under a warm cosy duvet, snuggled up to an obedient pillow, convinced that those glorious five minutes will make or break the day ahead. The irony is more often than not it just makes you late. Playing catch up with precious minutes you real...

The American Downhiller_ A Historical Bond

Over the years American Downhiller’s have created history and built a reputation as fearsome competitors. The ‘American Downhiller’ mission is to empower young ski racers and create a speed-skiing platform for future generations. Supported by the best current and former downhill ski racers and coaches, as well as the most advanced ski technology and safety from POC, the objective is to suppo...

Hedvig Wessel_ Leap into the known

It’s hard to put yourself in the shoes of an elite athlete. And it’s especially hard when the chosen sport is as physically, mentally and technically demanding as mogul skiing, which often resembles high speed organized chaos, with backflips thrown in for good measure. Hedvig Wessel, as one of the world’s leading mogul skiers, representing Norway at the last two Winter Olympics, and while s...

Kristofer Turdell_ Seeing is believing

Whether you’re watching Kristofer Turdell live from a crisp, snowy mountainside or online in the comfort of a warm cozy sofa, one thing is always the same; a jaw-dropping sense of awe. There is a myriad of skiing talent around the globe, some focused on competitions, others on capturing adventures, all of whom serve up the ski community with daily doses of inspiration, be it through films, ...

Sit down for equality

The world is filled with mysteries. How the pyramids were built; if the Loch Ness monster is real; if the Bermuda triangle really should be avoided; and if Stonehenge is just an incredibly impressive sun dial being just a few. Less discussed, perhaps, but no less mysterious, is why female cyclists have had to endure a century or more of less than optimal cycling apparel. Things have improve...

The ’Gowaan’ gal

If you found yourself trail side at any of the Enduro World Series races in recent times, you would find it hard to miss a strange new shout of encouragement rising above the cacophony of ‘allez allez’, ‘vai vai’ and ‘yeah boi!’. The mysteriously sounding ‘Gowaan’, with its roots deep in the vibrant UK mountain bike scene, is now as likely to be heard in Santa Cruz as it is in Sheffield. It...

Field Notes_ The essence of humanity

The human race has advanced at an almost unimaginable pace, from remote hunter-gatherers to digitally interconnected globetrotters. A change that, in geological timescales at least, has happened in the blink of an eye. No matter the speed, however, or even the relative value of some of the change, one defining aspect of the human character shines through, our constant need to question. Ov...


The Grand Tours of cycling – the three-week races of Italy, France and Spain – have no sporting rivals as feats of endurance. The Tour de France, the oldest and grandest of them all, offers a particularly searching examination of a rider’s physical fitness and mental resilience. Ferocious climbs, nerve-shredding descents, full-bore sprints and timed efforts that require nothing less from a ...

Hugh Carthy: keeping it real

Carthy cuts a striking figure, even among the ultra-lean community of professional cyclists. With his buzz cut, earring and laconic demeanour, he has something of the British rock star or film actor about him which has blended in perfectly with the personalities and approach of the EF Education First pro cycling team. “You can express yourself a bit more in a team like this,” Carthy says. “...


グローバルマウンテンバイクネットワーク (GMBN) は、世界中のマウンテン バイク愛好家にとって頼りになるリソースであり、より良いライディングのためのヒントやコツから、マウンテンバイクのライディングのあらゆる側面に関する洞察や分析まで提供しています。ワールドクラスの元プロライダーのプレゼンターは、数え切れないほどの経験をショーにもたらします。最新のビデオでは、彼らが脳損傷の専門家で POC Lab Per Hamid Ghatan のメンバーと脳震盪について話している様子をご覧ください。 

Inspired by_ Dirty Kanza

It’s long. It’s hot. It has a simple premise and a simple allure that makes it relatable in a way that multi-stage races on the World Tour never can be. But most of all, it’s a crazy race. This year, as part of Team EF’s Alternative Race Calendar, three riders—Alex Howes, Taylor Phinney and Lachlan Morton—went off the beaten path and on to the gravel roads in rural Kansas to experience an ...

GCN_ "The future of Helmet safety"

The Global Cycling network inspires millions of bike riders around the globe, putting cyclists in the center of the world’s bike action: from the iconic climbs of Alpe D’Huez and Mont Ventoux to the cobbles of Flanders, in fact, everywhere there is road or pave. Their team of world-class riders and ex-pro riders are highly regarded and speak with experience on many topics, such as the latest...

Great Minds Think Together

It is not simply finished products that change people’s lives; rather it is the concepts and ideas that shape these products. It is only through having the freedom and the space to develop ideas that real change can happen. And often, a different perspective is vital before new solutions can materialize. Take, for example, how Superglue came to be: First developed to be used in the production ...

POC LAB 諮問委員会_ マグダレナ・リンドマン

この記事は、新しい研究アイデアや安全性を高める革新的な方法について議論する科学フォーラムである POC Lab の選ばれたメンバーを特集するシリーズの一部です。このフォーラムでは、安全性に対して総合的なアプローチをとり、これまで考えられなかったアイデアや視点を開発します。  マグダレナ・リンドマンは多くの才能に恵まれた人です。ボルボ・カーズの交通安全データ専門家チームのリーダーである彼女は、訓練を受けた機械エンジニアであり、生体力学の専門知識と、より安全な環境への戦略的アプローチについての詳細な理解を備えています。  リンドマンは、比類のない経歴を持つ諮問委員会である POC Lab のメンバーでもあり、国際的に認められた医療専門家や業界リーダーとアイデアや洞察を共有しています。最新の会議はヨーテボリにあるボルボの広大な本社で開催され、自動車との衝突事故を制御し...


この記事は、新しい研究アイデアや安全性を高める革新的な方法について議論する科学フォーラムである POC Lab に選ばれたメンバーを特集するシリーズの一部です。このフォーラムでは、安全性に対して総合的なアプローチをとり、これまで考えられなかったアイデアや視点を開発します。 「足の骨折は足の骨折だが、傷ついた魂は同じようには治らない。傷ついた魂をギプスに入れることはできない。」  脊髄損傷(SCI)治療の世界的リーダーであり、35年前のダイビング事故で人生を変えるほどの怪我を負った四肢麻痺者であり、POCラボのメンバーでもあるクラエス・ハルトリング博士は、闘志を表現するために直接的な言葉で語ります。  彼の声は、世界的に有名なカロリンスカ研究所のSCIユニットの教授であるスウェーデンからの電話回線を通してはっきりと聞こえてきます。スピナリス財団の創設者として、彼は...

POC LAB 諮問委員会_ ハミッド・ガタン

この記事は、POC Lab の選ばれたメンバーを特集するシリーズの一部で、新しい研究アイデアや安全性を高める革新的な方法について議論する科学フォーラムです。このフォーラムでは、安全性に対して総合的なアプローチをとり、これまで考えられなかったアイデアや視点を開発します。  ハミッド・ガタン医師によれば、PhD(博士号)はPOC Labの科学的資格を体現しています。頭部外傷と脳損傷の第一人者である彼は、患者のためのたゆまぬ努力をして、15 歳以下の自転車利用者にヘルメットの着用を義務付けるスウェーデンの法律を制定することにつなげました。また、イノベーションを推進する多くの企業と緊密に協力してきました。彼はPOCをゴールドスタンダードだと考えています。  ガタン博士と話せば、びまん性軸索脳損傷から脳震盪の問題でプロスポーツチームが果たす役割に至るまで、多くの話題につい...

Don't get lost losing yourself

Being high in the sky, amongst the soaring snow-covered peaks, sucking in the pure fresh air and filling the soul with wellbeing has long been a movement for many seeking out a healthy and rounded lifestyle. Using nature to find balance and detox dates back centuries; long before snow sports and bikes become available, the mountains were used by the Victorians for a ‘change of air’, restori...

Cooling the heat

Cloying, clinging, draining, debilitating, pulse-raising, strength-sapping, vision-inducing heat. Extreme temperatures are no friend to the cyclist, something EF Education First Pro Cycling Team’s Simon Clarke describes so succinctly. To discuss with him the searing heat that characterises many of the engagements in the elite UCI WorldTour is to encounter an attitude so rational and accepti...

Inspired by pink

Inspired by EF Pro Cycling_ "I cannot believe it. That was the longest 14km of my life...When I think of champions like Sep and Sebastian pulling for me - it’s everything”. Alberto Bettiol, with a classy solo finish, took a monumental first professional victory at one of cycling’s greatest races, the Ronde van Vlaanderen (Tour of Flanders). A grueling Classic steeped in history, with ...

Nature and the whole helmet

Helmets will often look the same, but they are not all created equal. Developing renowned and award-winning helmets, which balance the primary need for optimal safety with essential performance requirements, such as weight, ventilation, comfort or aerodynamics, requires experience, a broad outlook and a team of obsessive engineers. It also requires a concept which can bind the stag...

KM:DAYS_ Inspired by the inspired

It takes something truly special to stand out in life’s constantly updated feed: we all search for a personal connection with our sources of inspiration. Right now, there are two women doing something different; something inspiring; something that connects. Kajsa Larsson and Malou Peterson show their technical ability and the pure thrill of being in the mountains in their excellent KM Days se...

Everyone can win, not everyone can lose

Mind-boggling. There’s no other way to describe what Ester Ledecká accomplished at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. One of the biggest bangs in the history of alpine racing…and alpine snowboarding, and one which left everyone smiling broadly, trying to absorb the magnitude and uniqueness of what they had just witnessed! Interestingly though, the millions of viewers around the globe were not...

Multi track mind

Specialists reign supreme amongst professional skiers, it’s rare to find one athlete that excels against the watch, in front of a panel of big mountain judges and on the big screen. It’s rarer still to find a skier that has been doing it for a decade or more. In Mattias Hargin that’s exactly what you have, a competitive, multi-talented, big mountain slalom skier who happens to enjoy skiing eve...

Simpson Magazine_ CHPT3 x POC Devesa

Inspired by Simpson Magazine_ "The collaboration between POC and CHPT3 to create the Ventral Devesa SPIN helmet and special edition Crave and Require glasses represents an understated triumph. Both parties have so strong an aesthetic that such a successful project could hardly have been predicted. Indeed, placing a pattern inspired by a forest near Girona on such a beguilingly simple...

Testing, testing

Helmets are now a common sight on roads and mountains around the globe. Thanks to a mix of technology, information, behavioral change and regulation, what would have been inconceivable twenty or thirty years ago, is now far more common place. In some countries wearing a helmet has become so synonymous with enhanced safety that it’s a shock to the senses when a bike rider or skier passes by i...

Life in the fast lane

It takes something special to ski downhill, where gravity is harnessed and worked overtime in the pursuit of milliseconds, and slopes of snow are replaced with walls of ice. Winning World Cup races, or competing in multiple Olympic games, takes something even more extraordinary and it’s easy to understand why few skiers remain at that level for long. But for Steven Nyman, who has held his plac...

Scaling new perspectives

Like many Swedes, Johan Jonsson was introduced to skiing before he could tie his own shoelaces, and long before he could appreciate the gift his parents were sharing. Those early days have led to a life full of skiing, and unlike many of his friends, his love for the sport hasn’t faded over time, instead it’s grown stronger with each new seasons snowfall. Photo: Bea Tander Gellerbrant ...

The best days are the bad days!

What defines a bad ski day; Is it one where you are freezing, spend the day skiing ice, have constantly aching feet and bad visibility? We all have our own ideas of what ‘bad’ means, and when you consider the list of obstacles that can ruin a day it is easy to see why choosing to stay at home in front of a roaring fire is that much more sensible. But turn it all around and look at those iss...

Icing on the cake

For almost all her life Kajsa Larsson has been skiing, and yet it still feels like the vast opportunities are now opening up and she’s just getting started. Soon, economics and marketing studies in Oslo will be finalized, and then she’ll follow her calling and “move to a mountain, somewhere.” Exactly where doesn’t really seem to matter, as long as she can ski and experience the mountains in he...

Live a lifetime of good decisions

Venture into the mountains and you will be met with an intoxicating mix of inspiring landscapes and pristine nature, you will also be subject to the multitude of daily variables that decide whether the slopes on which you slide are safe. Avalanches are as natural as the mountains themselves and witnessing mother nature shake off her excess load is both awe-inspiring and terrifying.Thanks to ...

Charging the calculated mind

There are a lot of passionate skiers out there. There are even lots of extremely passionate skiers. But in Chamonix there is one skier, who exudes passion and positivity for the mountains more than anyone else, and who’s taking skiing to another level. When Tof Henry talks about what he skied yesterday, or will be skiing tomorrow, and how he intends to get there, he could easily be mistaken ...

Hugh Carthy: keeping it real

Carthy cuts a striking figure, even among the ultra-lean community of professional cyclists. With his buzz cut, earring and laconic demeanour, he has something of the British rock star or film actor about him which has blended in perfectly with the personalities and approach of the EF Education First pro cycling team. “You can express yourself a bit more in a team like this,” Carthy says. “Y...


– Built on unconventional and positive thinking In the summer of 2013, amongst all the horns and chaos pulsating through the Tour de France, a lone racer with the Garmin Sharp team, Ryder Hesjedal, set off waves of raised eyebrows through cycling’s most famous caravan. Not for his racing, power data, or something he said, but for wearing unconventional eyewear. It was a disruptive moment f...


The Grand Tours of cycling – the three-week races of Italy, France and Spain – have no sporting rivals as feats of endurance. The Tour de France, the oldest and grandest of them all, offers a particularly searching examination of a rider’s physical fitness and mental resilience. Ferocious climbs, nerve-shredding descents, full-bore sprints and timed efforts that require nothing less from a r...

POC Sweden and MIPS have reached a settlement and will strengthen their cooperation

On November 15, 2017 MIPS AB (”MIPS”) disclosed that the company had been granted a preliminary injunction in Germany in order to prevent an infringement by POC Sweden AB (”POC”) of one of MIPS' patents. Following POC’s opposition the preliminary injunction was withdrawn on 16th March and POC filed a counter claim against MIPS. MIPS and POC have today agreed on a settlement with respect to the...

MIPS and POC Sweden have reached a settlement and will strengthen their cooperation

[caption id="attachment_3242" align="alignnone" width="584"] SPIN pad[/caption] On November 15, 2017 MIPS AB (”MIPS”) disclosed that the company had been granted a preliminary injunction in Germany in order to prevent an infringement by POC Sweden AB (”POC”) of one of MIPS' patents. Following POC’s opposition the preliminary injunction was withdrawn on 16th March and POC filed a counter claim ...

POC presents brand new helmets and innovations for winter 18/19

POC, which has built a reputation on safety, innovation and design, announces several new major products for its 2018/19 snow collection, in particular two new helmets; the Super Skull SPIN and the Obex SPIN, take center stage with both helmets featuring new technology and POC’s unique SPIN pads, developed to counter the effects of oblique impacts. Other new products and innovations for the 18...

A leader in helmet safety - POC safety innovations and German injunction response

POC is aware that its new and innovative oblique impact technology, SPIN, is being scrutinized and may be subject to a legal injunction in Germany. POC has a long and established reputation around safety and has years of experience developing advanced and award-winning helmets and technologies. SPIN (Shearing Pad INside) is POC’s own patent-pending technology which has been developed by POC’s i...

New Team EF Education First-Drapac powered by Cannondale kit unveiled at Rouleur Classic

Slipstream Sports formally unveiled the 2018 Team EF Education First – Drapac p/b Cannondale kit at the Rouleur Classic in London on Friday afternoon. Swedish road champion Kim Magnusson donned the race kit, created by apparel, eye and helmet partner POC, on stage alongside Slipstream Sports founder and CEO Jonathan Vaughters, sport director Andreas Klier and POC’s head of sports marketing Sara...

Protection and Performance the centre of POC’s new 2018 cycling apparel collections

POC has built an international reputation on safety, innovation and design, and ahead of Eurobike 2017, introduces several new updates and categories to its 2018 road and mountain bike apparel collections. Performance and Protection are core components of the new cycling collections with mountain bike apparel also finely tuned to activity specific riders. POC CEO, Jonas Sjögren, said “We are p...

POC introduces new safety and vision technology

SPIN and Clarity, with new helmet and goggles POC has built an international reputation on safety, innovation and design, and announces several new major innovations for its 2018 bike collection. In particular, SPIN, which is a new, innovative and unique helmet technology created to counter the effects of oblique impacts, and Clarity, which brings a new level of eyewear technology and perfor...

Update (24.08.17) POC position on Swedish athlete, Jenny Rissveds, not attending the World Championships in Cairns, Australia

Update (24.08.17) Adding to POCs statement made on 15.08.17 (see below), POC CEO, Jonas Sjögren, said - “We want nothing more than to see our national athletes compete in the best competitions, be it with or without our kit. We have stated that we would consider all possibilities and avenues to ensure that Jenny Rissved's and other athletes are free to compete at the Championships and we are ...

POC awarded ‘Brand of the Year 2017’

POC, a leading manufacturer of helmets, eyewear, body armor, apparel and accessories has been chosen as the ‘Brand of the year 2017’ by the Bicycle Brand Contest (BBC). The Bicycle Brand Contest, established by the German Design Council, focuses on companies in the bicycle industry and their partners. The winners, which are selected as an acknowledgement of excellent product and communication ...

The grand celebration of endurance

The Grand Tours of cycling - the three-week races of Italy, France and Spain - have no sporting rivals as feats of endurance. The Tour de France, the oldest and grandest of them all, offers a particularly searching examination of a rider’s physical fitness and mental resilience. Savage climbs, nerve-shredding descents, full bore sprints and timed efforts that require nothing less from a ride...

Pyrenean pain

A double helping of Pyrenean pain awaits the riders in this second week of the 2017 Tour de France. The peloton will endure a 214.5km leg from Pau to Peyragudes on stage 12, via the climbs of the Col de Ares, Col de Menté, and Port de Balès, before a finish at the summit of the Col de Peyresourde. A day later, on stage 13, the riders will encounter a brutal trio of first category c...

The Race of Truth

The time trial Give everything. Then, when you feel you have nothing left, give a bit more. Unless you cross the finish line in a state of total exhaustion—utterly spent, completely empty, totally drained—you will have failed. The stopwatch will be the first to confirm the bad news. There can be no hiding in the race of truth: welcome to the time trial. Now contrast the demand to extract...

The Tour is the Tour

[caption id="attachment_3064" align="alignnone" width="584"] Readying himself for his first Tour de France[/caption]It’s a universal truth held by any within cycling that ‘The Tour is the Tour’. While the Giro d’Italia may be the choice of the cognoscenti, and La Vuelta España has in recent years been the most exciting of the three Grand Tours, nothing compares to the scale and status of the T...

GMBN explains helmet choice

The Global Mountain Bike Network (GMBN) team ride with POC helmets, and they choose helmets appropriate for their kind of riding. Here they explain the differences between different kinds of helmet, and what makes them suitable for different categories of riding.

The team taking on the 100th Giro d’Italia

[caption id="attachment_3020" align="alignnone" width="584"] Team presentation at the start of the 100th Giro D'Italia[/caption] There is no other race in cycling like the Giro d’Italia. Its three-week duration offers only a passing resemblance to the Grand Tours of France and Spain. In its joy, beauty and lust for life it is as far removed from the spectacle surrounding the Tour de France ...

Hugh Carthy: Learning the tricks of the trade

The phrase “keeping it real” might have been coined for Hugh Carthy. The 22-year-old Briton deflects complements gracefully, even though his breakthrough season and swift promotion to World Tour team Cannondale-Drapac deserves nothing but praise. Carthy cuts a striking figure, even among the ultra-lean community of professional cyclists. With his buzz cut, earring and laconic demeanour, he...

GMBN visits POC HQ

The Global Mountain Bike Network (GMBN) team ride with POC helmets and eyewear, so to find out more about the products they decided to visit our POC HQ in Stockholm. Their video of POC HQ examines the latest product developments and takes an insider view of what makes a technologically advanced helmet, and how we at POC test MTB equipment on the local trails.

The contradiction

What will Taylor Phinney’s first season in green hold? To define Taylor Phinney as an athlete would be a mistake. As with life’s more interesting characters, he is a mass of contradictions. He is at once the poster boy for American cycling — the wunderkind offspring of Olympian parents — and defiantly off-message. He is a gifted athlete, but as enthused by self-discovery as he is cycling. ...

POC Lab and a force of nature

When you meet Claes Hultling for the first time you can’t help but be impressed - it’s not that he has built up one of the best spinal cord centres in the world, or the fact that he has an encyclopaedic memory related to spinal injuries and research, it’s not the fact that he’s managed all this since his own spinal cord accident, which left him paralysed from the chest down, over 30 years ago....

POC finalist in the 11th ISPO BrandNew Awards

POC finalist in the 11th ISPO BrandNew Awards February 6-9 2005, the winners and finalists of the world´s largest start-up competition in the sports industry will be awarded in Munich, Germany. A jury of international sports experts, including industry experts, magazine editors, publishers and retailers have evaluated 158 entries from 21 countries. We are proud to announce that the jury was im...
